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Whereas in yellow-flowered nuggetoid Delosperma the 5 or 6 nectaries are broadly separatedin 'White Nugget' the nectaries are almost connate and often forming a lophomorphic ringReceptaculum structure is apparently different too. Therefore I suggest the hybrid origin of'White Nugget' one parent being not a Delosperma.
First attempt at growing plants of this genus this spring. So far, so good! But I know about nothing about them...except that they like dry and sunny places.Should I add some grit between the soil and the leaves?Could you tell me a little more about these two? (Maybe I didn't start with the easiest ones, considering my zone...)The tiny pink flowers belong to D. 'Beaufort West', and the one flowerless, but with larger "leaves", is D. 'Red Mountain'...Thanks in advance for your tips!
Delosperma 'Red Mountain' is a cultivar of D. dyeri. I think it is actually a hybrid, because the species has regular pink flowers and this cultivar has flowers that are a classic hybrid colour.
I'm late to this thread but must go through and read it in detail. Thought I'd jump in and show a couple photos of a new Delosperma species... it has a tentative name, but until it is published and introduced I'll just call it Delosperma sp. Panayoti Kelaidis gave me permission to post a couple of his photos, so here they are (you may need sunglasses ). I'm trialing the plant here in northern New England, can't wait to see some of those brilliant silky flowers.