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Author Topic: delosperma & aizoaceae  (Read 157916 times)


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Re: delosperma & aizoaceae
« Reply #465 on: June 24, 2016, 10:28:24 AM »
I don't grow many Aizoaceae outside but this one has proved hardy for several years now. It worst enemy is slugs. I have no name though.

Trond Hoy, gardening on the rainy west coast of Norway.


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Re: delosperma & aizoaceae
« Reply #466 on: January 31, 2017, 08:57:00 PM »
I think this is Lampranthus amabilis and I found it growing just above the high tide mark on the southernmost beaches in South Africa, in the de Hoop nature reserve. I brought a small piece home for identification and now have several growing here and there in the garden - it is very happy in a pot too and flowers prolifically.
Rogan Roth, near Swellendam, Western Cape, SA
Warm temperate climate - zone 10-ish

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Re: delosperma & aizoaceae
« Reply #467 on: April 01, 2017, 09:22:57 PM »
Delosperma sphalmantoides in full bloom.

Great Moravian

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Re: delosperma & aizoaceae
« Reply #468 on: August 04, 2017, 02:03:32 PM »
For your information
Delosperma sphalmanthoides S.A.Hammer differs from other Delosperma species in densely tufted stature, filaments at basis densely hirsute and to ovarium adpressed holonectaries.
Therefore I renamed it to
Komsbergella sphalmanthoides (S.A.Hammer) Niederle in Skalničkářův rok 75:28. January 2017.
Basionymum: Delosperma sphalmanthoides S.A.Hammer in Cact. Succ. J. (USA) 65: 123. 1993.
Other Delosperma species might belong here too.


The genus Ectotropis N.E.Br. was established for one species, E. alpina N.E.Br. (Brown, 1927). Hartmann & Schröder (2013) suggested that the etymology of Ectotropis was not explained by Brown (1927). This is incorrect, the etymology (ecto-tropis = turning outwards) implicitly but clearly explained by Brown (1927) in the descriptio generico-specifica of the genus and species. Brown (1927) namely stated that the interlocular septa were adnate to the capsule valves instead of to the bottom of the capsule as is the normal situation in Mesembryanthemaceae. As a result, the septa were transported outwards attached to the expanding valves when the capsule was opening, and therefore the seeds were not separated by septa adnate to the capsule bottom in an open capsule as is the normal situation in the family.
Brown (1927) established the new genus, which seemed to be strongly supported by a feature not encountered in other species of Mesembryanthemaceae.
I have observed living material of the two species given to me by Marek Chaloupka. Their interlocular septa are adnate to the capsule bottom and separating the seeds in the open capsule.  I am not convinced that Delosperma alpinum and Delosperma seanii-hoganii are closely related. Floral characters mentioned by Hartmann & Schröder are clearly adaptations to pollinator who enforced risen stigma. They achieved the rising of the stigma by different means. In the former, the whole ovary top is cupola-like and smooth, whereas in the latter, the centre of the ovary top is pyramid-like with longitudinal ribs. Furthermore, pale green distantly separated nectaria form a discontinuous circle adpressed to the ovary in the former, whereas dark green holonectarium forms a star-like pentagon distant from the ovary in the latter. The leaves of Delosperma alpinum are normal papillate  Delosperma leaves with short sheath whereas the leaves of Delosperma seanii-hoganii are except few small papillae on the margin smooth and their basal half is transformed to a thin sheath whereas their apical half is succulent and rounded. I am convinced that the properties mentioned above separate Delosperma seanii-hoganii from the genus  Delosperma too. Therefore I have established a new genus Sanianthos for it.

Delosperma alpinum (N.E.Br.) S.A.Hammer & A.P.Dold in Haseltonia 9: 40. 2003 [2002 publ. 2003]1
Ectotropis alpina N.E.Br. in Gard. Chron., Ser. III. 81: 12. 1927

Sanianthos seanii-hoganii (Niederle) Niederle in Skalničkářův rok 75: 27. 2017 [Jan 2017] [epublished]
Delosperma seanii-hoganii Niederle in Skalničkářův rok 67: 33. 2013 [11 Jan 2013] [epublished]
Ectotropis seanii-hoganii ( Niederle ) H.E.K.Hartmann & C.Schroeder in Bradleya 31: 137. 2013 [31 Aug 2013]


I expect that the acceptance of my newly coined names will take at least ten years. The previous were accepted by the late Prof. Hartmann after five years, but she was a skilled specialist.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2017, 05:29:21 PM by Great Moravian »
Josef N.
gardening in Brno, Czechoslovakia
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Re: delosperma & aizoaceae
« Reply #469 on: November 18, 2017, 08:28:19 PM »
Hallo Josef,

Hammer hat bereits 2015 das Delosperma sphalmanthoides in Daggodora sphalmanthoides S.A.Hammer gen. nov. umgruppiert.
Also ist das hier geschriebene ungültig.

Ectotropis alpina syn. Delosperma alpinum

Why are you writing these things here? This belongs to an international specialist journal. Not in a forum.
Please stop writing such no accepted things here.

« Last Edit: November 18, 2017, 08:35:31 PM by Peter II »



Great Moravian

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Re: delosperma & aizoaceae
« Reply #470 on: December 04, 2017, 05:30:46 PM »
Hallo Josef,

Hammer hat bereits 2015 das Delosperma sphalmanthoides in Daggodora sphalmanthoides S.A.Hammer gen. nov. umgruppiert.
Also ist das hier geschriebene ungültig.

Ectotropis alpina syn. Delosperma alpinum

Why are you writing these things here? This belongs to an international specialist journal. Not in a forum.
Please stop writing such no accepted things here.

The entry for Daggodora sphalmanthoides in IPNI was done on 5 December 2016.
I wrote the text earlier. I agree that Daggodora has priority and am not happy that I produced a synonym.
If the information in IPNI were one month earlier, I would naturally not do it.
Nevertheless, the genus name Komsbergella is validly published and homotypic synonym in virtue of ICN.
The notions accepted and not accepted are not accepted by plant taxonomists but solely by strange people.
I will write what I think is important and use names accepted by me. I naturally accept Daggodora because of priority
and refuse Komsbergella. I clearly explained why I accept Delosperma alpinum and refuse Ectotropis alpina.
You can of course accept what you want.
Thank you for correcting my lapsus and attracting attention to Daggodora.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2017, 08:06:15 AM by Great Moravian »
Josef N.
gardening in Brno, Czechoslovakia
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Re: delosperma & aizoaceae
« Reply #471 on: December 05, 2017, 08:45:42 AM »
Please read carefully
Official refusal standpoint of the International Association for Plant Taxonomy to binding lists of so-called accepted names can be found at
They say
fostering excellent science generally involves community engagement rather than regulation
The concept of an authority ordering binding scientific results is shocking.
Plant taxonomy is a science generated in brains of different individuals.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2017, 08:50:01 AM by Great Moravian »
Josef N.
gardening in Brno, Czechoslovakia
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Re: delosperma & aizoaceae
« Reply #472 on: December 05, 2017, 03:33:57 PM »
The concept of an authority ordering binding scientific results is shocking.
Plant taxonomy is a science generated in brains of different individuals.
Science depends on agreed definitions or standards.  This proposal to standardise taxonomy (original publication here, probably behind a paywall :() is surely only part of ongoing efforts to improve clarity.  Like all science and scientific conventions, its conclusions would remain contingent on new evidence, so really I don't see the problem :-\
« Last Edit: December 05, 2017, 03:38:28 PM by ashley »
Ashley Allshire, Cork, Ireland

Great Moravian

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Re: delosperma & aizoaceae
« Reply #473 on: December 06, 2017, 05:52:22 PM »
This proposal to standardise taxonomy (original publication here
This is precisely the idea replied and refused in the reaction by IAPT. The article is rather stupid.
Involving lawyers in taxonomy is gently speaking unhappy.
Conservationists should protect particular populations, small or large, and not
bother about taxonomy which has nothing to do with conservation.
Money available for particular conservation programmes is clearly
in the background, science doesn't need any regulation.
In this country, organisms and habitats are protected which in southern or eastern
part of Europe are common and don't need any protection.
We naturally don't require money for their protection.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2017, 06:21:36 PM by Great Moravian »
Josef N.
gardening in Brno, Czechoslovakia
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Re: delosperma & aizoaceae
« Reply #474 on: December 06, 2017, 06:35:45 PM »
By the way, it is impossible to provide precise definition of a species
even for quite small groups of plants. Species are not equally old.
There exist clearly delimited old species and groups of young
species delimitation of which is rather complex, possible merely
on the basis of complicated statistical methods.
Josef N.
gardening in Brno, Czechoslovakia
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Re: delosperma & aizoaceae
« Reply #475 on: December 20, 2017, 08:41:25 PM »
Braunsia maximiliani (with a Lachenalia sp.)
on the coast south of Paternoster, Western Cape, July.
Ashley Allshire, Cork, Ireland

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Re: delosperma & aizoaceae
« Reply #476 on: January 31, 2018, 09:29:16 PM »
Braunsia maximiliani is a very interesting plant. Unfortunately, mine did not last long.



Great Moravian

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Re: delosperma & aizoaceae
« Reply #477 on: March 07, 2018, 09:22:32 AM »
Despite the Delosperma and Malotigena names published by me were accepted by the late
Professor H.E.K. Hartmann with Delosperma seanii-hoganii transferred to Ectotropis,
there are still comical attempts to probematize them. Someone claimed that
Delosperma adamantinum is a synonym of Delosperma monanthemum.
It is certainly not the case.
The protologue of Delosperma monanthemum is at
There are the following basic reasons.
1. Formal reason
Delosperma monanthemum is nomen invalidum.
2. Thing-pertinent reasons
Major differences.
Delosperma adamantinumDelosperma monanthemum
leaves and stems conspicuously papillateleaves and stems glabrous
petals bicoloured, upper half crimson, lower half white   petals pinkish purple
staminodes whitestaminodes pink
There are more differences for a trained botanist.
Josef N.
gardening in Brno, Czechoslovakia
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Re: delosperma & aizoaceae
« Reply #478 on: May 19, 2019, 06:05:47 PM »
My Delospermas put a lovely show.....
in Linz, Austria

Maggi Young

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Re: delosperma & aizoaceae
« Reply #479 on: May 19, 2019, 07:46:45 PM »
Colours full of  cheer, Herbert!!
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!

Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine


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