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Fabulous form - is it in cultivation?
Quote from: ranunculus [/quote Fabulous form - is it in cultivation?-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I haven't collected seed as it's at the other end of the South Island.Cheers dave.
Mark, as you may remember, we have some small cement troughs which have had acers living in them for nearly thirty years. These are only now beginning to look badly done by! I'd say get any young acer you like the look off and plant it........ then, as you say, "torture" it in the bonsai fashion as and when needed. What we did with ours was to plant 'em amd leave 'em! Bit of renewal of top surface every ten years or so, some feeding and, in most years, some watering in the summer. Really no work at all and we have been rewarded by a fabulous display over all these years.I believe that it has been lack of attention to watering in the last couple of years which has lead to their present decline I'll measure the containers later and post the sizes and look for pix of the plants to show .
Acer in potIt is not just bulbs that I grow in pots - I have had this Acer growing in a pot for over ten years now. I raised it from seed and it started out in the garden but as always I was too ambitious with the number of trees that I planted so when it reached three meters high I decided that it had to go or be moved - not having any space to move it too I decided to try and cut it down to grow in a pot. I first cut around the roots about 30 cms from the trunk and then I also cut the trunk down to about 30cms in height. It was around this time of year that I lifted the root ball and trimmed all the roots back so they would fit into the pot. The plant had all winter to start making some new roots and in the spring I watched the sawn off trunk with anticipation for any signs of growth buds developing - which they did in abundance. I reduced the number of new growths and only kept the ones I needed to create a tree shape in small scale and every year I reduce the new growth to one growth bud. It is only a Bonsai in that sense of the word that it is a tree growing in a pot. In a way I treated the dug-up-trunk and cut-back roots like a bulb.
... And I have kept a very large Salix reticulata in a pot for many a moon (it's dead mind you)!!