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I have just Googled the Heptocodium and apparently I have bought something very exciting. Its common name is Seven-Son flower and it has a stunning and fragrant display of white flowers in late summer/autumn, followed by bright red seed capsules and also displays exfoliating brown bark. It belongs to the honeysuckle family and comes from eastern China. I bought it from the botanic gardens' own stall where there are often interesting and different things, so it seems I hit the jackpot this time. Even they didn't know what it was but they did take part in a Chinese collecting expedition about 10 or 12 years ago so maybe that's where they came by it. Not bad for $5
Among other things, saw a plant not quite in bloom yet but one which will have the pulse racing, of Mr Ranunculus. Louise Salmond (Hokonui Alpines) has crossed R. godleyanus with R. lyallii and there was one of the babies with a fat cluster of cream, pointed buds. Louise will put it on their website homepage in a few days when fully out.
PS: what do the Iris/Juno growers/members think of Franz Köhlein's "Iris" book? Has anyone got this book?
It's still around Pat but not at an affordable price. Last time I checked the cheapest price I would have had to pay was £273.00