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Colchicum umbrosum
Flowering on Tuesday at Cape Kaliakra on the Black Sea Coast:Linum tenuifoliumVeronica species 1Veronica speies 2These could be the same species, but closer examination of the leaves shows that basal and stem leaves of both plants are slightly different, and several species are listed for this area.Vicia species (?) with Satureja coeruleaa wind dwarfed Digitalis lanata (?)Ruta graveolens
I know Cohan,It is just unbelievable every year I see the plant growing during the summer it keep growing taller and taller<I find It just so attractive as the stems are very dark nearly black,and the flowers last very long,if You like to have some a send some later when I divide,am sure there are going to be some roots to spare,Cheers Guy.
Not flowering in the garden, but flowering. A Streptocarpus hybrid 'Snowflake', which I found at the market. Amazing number of flowers and loves cooler temps. I typically grow these in the shade garden during the Summer and bring them in in the Winter to enjoy.