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More pix of both types in logs 15/06 , 9/07 and 12/07. It seems that our p-c do have a similarly rolled trumpet, but this only shows when ours are very fully open or in warm sunshine. They don't get much of that when they're in a frame in Aberdeen.... I wonder if your better light is the difference. The funny little white tip-spots are the same, I see.
I didn't realise Narcissus 'Rip van Winkle' was that old.
Are you suffering from West Midland Murk, then, Diane?
The WHOLE GARDEN was full of rare plants that you might never have seen before, mostly old "heritage" varieties. But Rip van Winkel must be pointing me in the right direction. Are there any virescent narcissi in cultivation? I had never seen a green one before this; one reason why I found it so striking.
Interesting that DaffSeek page shows condsdierable variation in forms of this venerable oldie.....