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I'll have a couple of vervets trained by Calvin then. (even our (Australian ) possums don't behave so badly as that. I saw something yesterday ineffably sad. A possum mother had been hit by a car and lay dead on the road. Her baby, about 6 inches long, had either crawled or been knocked from her pouch and it too was dead, a couple of metres away. I have no love for possums; they do so much garden damage and to the native bush, but I hate that many drivers, especially those of the country/farming community, deliberately aim for them on the roads.
Super selection Fermi, I see many of these are growing in the open garden, great to see as all our winter SA bulbs are of course indoor post plants!
Hi all. Just at this time of the year in the Northern Hemisphere Eriospermum start blooming. I think it is a genus that should be deserved to be more in cultivation for a lot of reasons. It is easy to care for them (at least the 4-5 species available), they have a fine foliage, sometimes really strange as in E. dregei (I'll post later), the spikes are rich in very strongly scented flowers....There is anyone that have this genus in cultivation to share experiences, and maybe seeds!AlbertoEriospermum brevipes
This somber flower is the ubiquitous "Sad Glad", Gladiolus tristis, which can be invasive but hasn't been outrageous yet!
I came across this charming little Cyrtanthus species last week while hiking on the hillsides near my home - can anybody suggest a name? It resembles C. contractus superficially, but there are some differences in the shape and colour of the flowers. I'll have to get back for some of the seeds in a few weeks time...