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Lovely plants David.Isn't this Forum a brilliant resource? I've spent a very dreich afternoon re-reading every post on this thread and have made a note of over 100 species and am now plodding through The Plant Finder to find any possible UK suppliers. Would it be news to say that so far in the "Who May Have It" stakes Aberconwy Nursery is leading by a country mile?So many brilliant plants and so much high quality rock work to see especially from Anne Speigle, Leiomerus, Kris De Raemaeker, Ebbie, Anne Wright and Ian Christie to name a few. Speaking of Ian Christie, in September 2012 he showed that he was in the early stages of working on a new crevice bed built over peat blocks. We never saw the finishes article Ian, it's time for more pictures.Why have I listed enough plants to fill the Wisley Crevice Garden? Well, I'm extending a rock bed I built last year and will be including a small crevice bed in it so am going to need a few plants! Now to the Troughs thread.
Great images and great plants Ian!!!