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Maggi - reckless is not the word I'd use. I bought a bulb of Galanthus 'Long Drop' from Rannveig Wallis; now I've just got to teach the boys to twin-scale and then long after I am gone they can be selling snowdrops to augment their pensions. That's shrewd not reckless surely??
My Hepaticas need to be repotted. Can I do it now? They are in 2L long toms and I hope to put then in to 3L long toms.
I repot at the end of september than the roots start to grow, I always repot in 1.5L pots, if the plant is too big than I pull off some divisions, I try to hold 5 flowerbuds for repotting, most of my Hepaticas havent 5 noses so I repot these plants every 2 years and only cut sick and death roots