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We were out all day yesterday in the southeast of Bulgaria. The weather was sunny, warm and windy with some sunshine. We returned at 9pm to a temperature of 15C in the garden, and only tiredness stopped us wandering around with torches. Today is 5C and raining.
Madeira looks terrifying
Too right it's good, Cohan. Two new pots of Crocus seeds had germinated this morning- they were frozen solid not long ago! The range of +4 to -4 means you are slowly getting there, eh!
Still in the deep freeze here and day time temperatures have still only crept above zero on two days since mid-December. Awoke today to the coldest morning of the winter so far with -23C and it was windy as well, an effective temperature of -40C...The biggest problem for me is the lack of snow, only a few cms which means that the frost will have gone very deep this year and it is likely frozen everywhere down to bedrock - I don't have more than 50cm soil anywhere in the garden apart from around the cellar walls of the house. My hardy bamboos don't look at all happy, even Sasa kurilensis.... I'm fearing mass mortality. On the positive side, I'll have plenty of space for new things for the first time in a few years....