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Topic: Wildlife February 2010 (Read 16905 times)
Anthony Darby
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Re: Wildlife February 2010
Reply #180 on:
February 25, 2010, 09:56:00 AM »
I would say mole.
Anthony Darby, Auckland, New Zealand.
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution"
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Re: Wildlife February 2010
Reply #181 on:
February 27, 2010, 10:16:51 AM »
Beautiful winter day here in Malvik, currently -7C and forecast to reach the dizzy heights of -3C today! The fjord is full of small bits of ice released from the shore line as a result of a high tide (the fjord never freezes) and a week with temperatures below -20C (the first picture shows sea smoke over the fjord one very cold morning).
I then noticed something dark sitting on one of the ice floes. Immediately thought it could be a White-tailed Eagle which are quite common here although it looked too small, and through binoculars immediately saw that it was an otter which had caught a fish, taking advantage of this unusual fishing post! Sorry, I didn't have time to get closer for a better shot.... After finishing its meal it swam to shore below me, taking about 5-10 minutes.
Last Edit: February 27, 2010, 10:21:10 AM by Stephenb
Malvik, Norway
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Ragged Robin
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Re: Wildlife February 2010
Reply #182 on:
February 27, 2010, 03:39:37 PM »
What gorgeous views of the Fjord, Stephen, and watching the otter having breakfast must have been thrilling
Valais, Switzerland - 1,200 metres - Continental climate - rocks and moraine
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Re: Wildlife February 2010
Reply #183 on:
March 04, 2010, 08:23:32 PM »
An interesting week. On Tuesday we were down the coast when we spotted a few
Bottlenosed Dolphins
about 300 metres off shore. Within 5 minutes we had counted at least 40 and were treated to a display of aquabatics ( have I made up this word ?). I watched individuals and groups when I came across a small pod of 5
Risso's Dolphins
travelling with them. We watched this display for about an hour until they disappeared south. Next, we got into the car and raced 5 miles south to pick them up again. By this time they were about 3km. out to sea heading leisurely towards the setting sun and Ailsa Craig, with Gannets wheeling overhead. Again, close to the shore, a pod of
Harbour Porpoises
were heading in the opposite direction. What I had not mentioned was that it was flat calm and sunny-warm even- if you can remember what that was like !! It was Cindy's birthday the day before and she thought that I had arranged this for her.
Today we went to Logan Gardens to check out the snowdrops and see what the winter had done. Our favourite Magnolia Sprengeri had died and been felled. It was like losing a friend and has left a hole in the garden. Feeling decidedly unchuffed, we went for a bit of bird watching at Corsewall Point and within 5 minutes, our Dolphins reappeared. They obviously like the Clyde Estuary - mammals of good taste ! They were passing close to the cliffs so I pulled out the camera and set off to get some photographs. Dolphins move much faster than me so they were 300 metres out to see before I got to the cliff edge. Some really poor pictures - see attached for a sample.
Anyway, it made up for an earlier disappointment. Again, today was sunny, calm and warm in the sunshine. Roll on Spring !
Tom Cameron
Ayr, West of Scotland
Maggi Young
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Re: Wildlife February 2010
Reply #184 on:
March 04, 2010, 08:37:43 PM »
A great day for you, Tom! Congratulations to Cindy for her birthday on Monday and to you for today.... was there cake??!
(I'm ignoring the lost magnolia...it's too sad)
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!
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David Nicholson
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Re: Wildlife February 2010
Reply #185 on:
March 04, 2010, 08:54:01 PM »
Happy Birthday Tom-how are the knees doing?
David Nicholson
in Devon, UK Zone 9b
"Victims of satire who are overly defensive, who cry "foul" or just winge to high heaven, might take pause and consider what exactly it is that leaves them so sensitive, when they were happy with satire when they were on the side dishing it out"
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Re: Wildlife February 2010
Reply #186 on:
March 04, 2010, 09:02:05 PM »
I was treated to Senior Citizens lunch at Craigiemains garden centre at Ballantrae - Cream of Chicken soup and roll, Apple Pie and ice-cream and coffee for the sum of £5.95 each-she paid! As the cafe owners are farming stock, portions are large. We even noticed that the Ayrshire potatoes have been planted in the fields all down the coast.
I had set the oven timer for the roast beef to be ready when we got back at 6pm. Thankfully I had set the timer correctly and it was cooked.
Cindy got her birthday lunch at the Dunblane Bulb Show at the little restaurant in the main street run by Iranian immigrants. She also got her present of a silver brooch from Graham Stewarts. I was quite happy with the dolphins - not really, I had bought myself a banjo the week before !!!
Tom Cameron
Ayr, West of Scotland
Anthony Darby
Bug Buff & Punster
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Posts: 9647
Re: Wildlife February 2010
Reply #187 on:
March 04, 2010, 11:03:44 PM »
Restaurant run by Iranian immigrants?
Anthony Darby, Auckland, New Zealand.
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution"
Ragged Robin
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Re: Wildlife February 2010
Reply #188 on:
March 05, 2010, 09:55:10 AM »
Tom, what a wonderful way to spend your birthday watching dolphins! Nothing can top that so just to wish many belated birthday greetings to you and your wife - the banjo is a great instrument do you write songs too?
Valais, Switzerland - 1,200 metres - Continental climate - rocks and moraine
mark smyth
Hopeless Galanthophile
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Re: Wildlife February 2010
Reply #189 on:
March 07, 2010, 09:49:04 PM »
The first bumblebee of the year was working the Crocus in the green house today. So much for me doing my own pollinating. She was also very dirty
Antrim, Northern Ireland Z8
When the swifts arrive empty the green house
All photos taken with a Canon 900T and 230
Maggi Young
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Re: Wildlife February 2010
Reply #190 on:
March 07, 2010, 09:53:38 PM »
Your bumblebee is in a state - and aren't those mites near her head?
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!
Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine
mark smyth
Hopeless Galanthophile
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Re: Wildlife February 2010
Reply #191 on:
March 07, 2010, 10:00:03 PM »
yep. I dont think I have ever seen one that didnt have mites.
Antrim, Northern Ireland Z8
When the swifts arrive empty the green house
All photos taken with a Canon 900T and 230
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Posts: 3167
Re: Wildlife February 2010
Reply #192 on:
March 07, 2010, 10:03:30 PM »
Wonderful pictures of your bumblebee, so clear.
Angie T.
....just outside Aberdeen in North East Scotland
mark smyth
Hopeless Galanthophile
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Posts: 15254
Re: Wildlife February 2010
Reply #193 on:
March 07, 2010, 10:08:15 PM »
Thanks Angie
Antrim, Northern Ireland Z8
When the swifts arrive empty the green house
All photos taken with a Canon 900T and 230
Tony Willis
Wandering Star
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Re: Wildlife February 2010
Reply #194 on:
March 08, 2010, 03:21:23 PM »
a bit of a surprise this morning on looking out to see three mallards on my pond(only two in the picture) which is only 2 metres in diameter and has half a dozen goldfish and is mainly to encourage frogs and small birds into the garden.
I have spent the day making a duckhouse as this maybe an omen that I will be made a lord in the end of parliament dishonours list and I want to be prepared.
Chorley, Lancashire zone 8b
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Wildlife February 2010
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