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Fermi, did the Narcissus germinated?
now that the Rodophiala germinated, when will you water them? I've some to sow and I'm a bit worried about the water.
Mark do you make your own mulch? I like it.
From more in-situ sowing, as a follow-up, here are 2 year old seedlings of Helleborus niger. I'm loving this method, just scratch-n-sow (I should trademark this phrase ) when the seed pods are spilling seed, and stand back and let them germinate and grow on their own accord, no handing of seed pots, no manual watering, no visual mess of pots and flats, no muss no fuss In this view, what's interesting is that in the fall 2-year seedlings put out some larger secondary leaves. Also shown here, is a 3-read old seedling plant, maybe big enough to produce a few flowers late winter 2011.
Mark, I use your "scratch and sow" method with Penstemon thompsoniae, a caespitose penstemon I really like. For years I donated seed and also sowed it myself in pots. I never got germination. A few years ago I just scratched the some of the seed into the trough where it was growing and the following spring had 30 seedlings (too close together). I transplanted them later in little groups and they are now growing happily in the crevice garden and scree garden. Apparently, the trough is not really essential, but it makes a wonderful seed bed. 1. Pictured here in the trough.