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when they have 2 original bulbs for example , and it doubles each year , after 10 years you can have 2000 bulbs.
This turnedout to be a good idea, as by the time that daffodil had dropped to the normalprice, the value of the bulb's offspring exceeded its original price,and meanwhile, the forward-thinking person had had years of pleasure.
I was most impressed with John's drops, they are whiter than white!
John, do I remember that you recently got a new camera? Your shots are great, whatever. I have to admit that a snowie can be very photogenic
Your G. 'John Gray' looks to be staying sturdy, John...everyone elses' seem to flop...
The grower of a rare snowdrop will only get the highest possible increaseby not selling any. Every bulb sold is lost as a producer of new bulbs, unlessit was bought by someone who also sells bulbs. If we all want the chanceto buy new snowdrops, the original owner should never sell any till he has enough to flood the market. Meantime, cut flowers of it will be exhibitedand photographs published, guards and guard dogs will patrol the garden, and people will sell their favourable positions on the inevitable waitlist....
The grower of a rare snowdrop will only get the highest possible increaseby not selling any.
I agree with what you say but of course the grower of a rare snowdrop does not want to get the highest possible increase; he/she wants to make the most possible money.
Martin, if Colin is able to throw any more light on the origins of 'Penelope Ann', I would appreciate knowing, so that I can update my records.
They offer their snowdrops for sale and we can purchase or decide not to purchase.