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Anyone else getting a lot of signs of stagonospora on the snowdrop leaves and flower buds this year? I'm getting loads, and lots of snowdrops not even appearing (presumed gone during the wet, wet summer). Lots of leaves coming up with red-brown 'scorched' tips and brown-red stained flower buds....
ERNIE = Electronic Random Number .... something.....something.
Stagonora curtisii is a fungal infection. Symptoms are leaves, sheaths and bulbs with red streaks and spots. Leaves usually have a kink where the infection is/was. Flowers can abort in the spathe and turn grey. Two of the best collections were recently nearly wiped out.
Minor Scottish gripe here, chaps, ERNIE is a BRITISH scheme!!
Sorry Maggie, but you see I am not quite as nationalistic, to me England would mentally include Scotland, Wales and Ireland (My goodness dare I post this?). I just can't see a difference, we all live in one country and if it is the UNITED kingdom I wouldn't mind if you regarded me as living in Southern Scotland...after all letters to the North used to be addressed to N.B as Northern Britain I believe. I will now duck under the flak that is coming my way
you do know they have all the nuclear-armed subs up there
Saying England when you mean Britain is a hanging offence in Scotland