Testudinaria elephantipes, aka Elephant foot, or Turtle shell is a curious plant with the tuber above ground level covered with layers of corky bark, resembling a caudex. Slow-growing. It is a very unusual succulent. Its main feature is a large, corky caudex that grows up to one meter in habitat, resembling an elephant foot (hence the popular name). The caudex looks as if it is segmented into geometric patterns (smaller plants look like tortoises) and looks dead but is actually a living tuber. A plant with a 18" caudex can be 75 years or older, this one is only 30 years old. The plant grows into a vine with attractive heart-shaped leaves and small yellow flowers. Culture is relatively easy. A greenhouse is great, but a windowsill with moderate to full sun works fine, as long as the plant is kept at 65F minimum.