i'm interested in seed for just about anything that is spring flowering--i already have seed of a couple of scillas and muscari, several pulsatillas,and just a couple of cheap garden centre bulbs in the ground last fall, but apart from that and natives (which are mostly not that early, except for violas which do grow in the yard, and caltha and petasites which are not yet in the yard) i am pretty much starting from scratch..
interested in crocus, small iris and tulip, eranthis, corydalis ( i have native c aurea), anemone, hepatica, pulsatilla,etc--and any others i'm not thinking of
forgot to add galanthus, other scillas and muscari..
due to my climate, naturally species from the north or altitude are best, but with seed i can be experimental!
always prefer species--wild collected esp, but garden seed is ok too, esp for stable forms; not really into double or other 'deformed' flowers
though i've noted on hepatica thread that there are many beautiful forms that are still simple..
i have seed of many local species to trade(esp boreal forest and prairie/meadow edge species, and wetland sp), cuttings,plants or roots of some things for those close enough to do that...