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At the risk of being more than usually anal, could the thread be re-named as Northern Hemisphere in the interests of consistency and to make future searching easier? If so, thanks.
I used to do yard work for a wealthy customer, who planted S. canadensis out in full sun, in a "boulderized" embankment use as a retaining berm for a driveway, the berm filled with rich soil as a garden opportunity. To my amazement the bloodroot spread to a couple meters wide, with the largest most lush foliage I've ever seen!
The Easter Bunny left eggs everywhere so my garden was thoroughlysearched by grandchildren and neighbours this morning.In bloom: what is called Viola labradorica, but isn't - now identifiedas riviniana, a very vigourous Anemone nemorosa, and Erythroniumrevolutum, a few of my many rhododendron seedlings.
A bulbous plant from our garden (Muscari macrocarpum)