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Author Topic: Identifying unknown shrub?  (Read 2040 times)


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Identifying unknown shrub?
« on: June 02, 2007, 12:24:11 PM »
Hello All,

Been so long since posting had to completely re-register.  Sold a plant at the local botanic garden sale last year and the customer returned  this year and asked what it was....I didn't know even though I have took the same plant which was rescued from an overgrown greenhouse, owner moving.  Hers is much larger than mine, don't know why, but a brief description would be; leathery, almost succulent leaves, basal growth? with a cycad like tuber..not very pronounced in my plant but the photo of hers (quality blurry) shows more pronouced basal structure.  Hers is beginning to look like the foliage of a Shefflera but definitely not.  Growth is slow with mine with the plant putting out a frond at a time, slowing unfurling its leaves like a fern.  Might be described as palm like...but have never seen before....any thoughts.

Thank you

« Last Edit: June 02, 2007, 01:45:42 PM by bdp »
Brian Parker


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