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As regards the 'marital tiff' George, you now know why it was a good idea for us to show jointly - at least I don't have to carry the blessed thing on my own!!!!! Incidentally, if anyone is going to Chelsea this year the garden will be on the AGS stand. Clare & I will be there on Friday.At Southport there were SIX mini gardens on display - FABULOUS
Aethionema kotschyi
Thanks or the garden pics Frazer - and you are right, the competition is really hotting up!There will be a new 'How to do it' leaflet from the AGS soon and I hope it will encourage a lot more people to start making it hotter still.Incidentally, at a recent mini garden workshop in North Wales, it was clear that the prospect of starting small was a lot less daunting than going for the maximum at the outset. So if you fancy giving it a try an eight inch pot would be a good place to begin.I once saw ELEVEN on display at Hexham. Wouldn't it be nice to see that number again - even if it does give the judges a headache. JohnnyD
Veteran vet your iris iberis ssp elegantissima wow wow and wow again can you tell me a little of your cultivation please its a plant i'd love to have a go at but i am afraid of killing it just by me looking at it.
been on Skye for 10 days or so