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Gardening Scotland 2010
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Topic: Gardening Scotland 2010 (Read 2611 times)
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Gardening Scotland 2010
June 01, 2010, 07:39:14 PM »
Hi to all Scottish Rockers, we look forward to meeting you from Friday to Sunday this week at gardening Scotland just come over and say hello please we are Stand number 36 where I have set up a display today and will go and finish it tomorrow. Sandy Leven has delivered some troughs full of plants so should look good we hope the judges agree anyway please do come, cheers Ian the Christie kind.
Ian ...the Christie kind...
from Kirriemuir
Maggi Young
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Re: Gardening Scotland 2010
Reply #1 on:
June 01, 2010, 08:29:53 PM »
Gardening Scotland 2010
Friday 4th to Sunday 6th June
The Royal Highland Centre, Ingliston, Edinburgh
see this website for all details:http://www.gardeningscotland.com/
I am sure that all the SRGC Team will be grateful for any impromptu offers, over the weekend, for some help from visitors to man the stand......I haven't heard how many volunteers they have so far but I reckon more help never goes amiss on these occasions, to let folks off for a break, to get some ice-cream etc!!
The Beechgrove Potting Shed BBC Radio programme is recording one programme on the Saturday and is broadcasting live on the Sunday.... Ian Young will be involved in that.
Lots of luck to all the exhibitors and fingers firmly crossed for weather that is good, but not too hot!
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!
Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine
Maggi Young
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Re: Gardening Scotland 2010
Reply #2 on:
June 01, 2010, 08:51:10 PM »
Tickets are available to purchase on the gate
Friday 4th June - £15
Saturday 6th or Sunday 7th June - £13
Free for children under 16
The opening times in 2010 are Friday 10am to 7pm, Saturday 10am to 6pm and on Sunday 10am to 5pm. Advance ticket holders can access the Show at 9.45am.
NEW opening times will give visitors to the first day of Gardening Scotland 2010 an extra hour to enjoy the Show. Instead of closing at 6pm, the Show will remain open until 7pm on the Friday, making it even more attractive to afternoon visitors.
The big sell-off, when exhibitors dispose of excess stock, and even entire show gardens at bargain prices, begins at 4pm on Sunday and lasts for one hour.
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!
Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine
David Shaw
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Re: Gardening Scotland 2010
Reply #3 on:
June 02, 2010, 12:32:20 PM »
Carol and I will be leaving for Edinburgh within the hour to set up our bit of the stand tomorrow, thank you Ian for the prep work.
Advice of potential visitors - the forcast is for a hot, sunny weekend. Drinks within the grounds are expensive so remember to take a bottle of water with you.
Looking forward to seeing as many friends as possible over the weekend.
David Shaw, Forres, Moray, Scotland
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Re: Gardening Scotland 2010
Reply #4 on:
June 02, 2010, 06:37:41 PM »
Hi all, I finished the display with some help from Ian Pryde Graham Wenham and Carol Bainbridge, Sandy Leven brought 3 troughs and lot of great pictures. I had some spare time so here are some preview pictures probably 3 sets look forward to seeing you all, cheers Ian the Christie kind
Ian ...the Christie kind...
from Kirriemuir
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Posts: 1224
Re: Gardening Scotland 2010
Reply #5 on:
June 02, 2010, 06:41:34 PM »
Next set Ian.
Ian ...the Christie kind...
from Kirriemuir
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Re: Gardening Scotland 2010
Reply #6 on:
June 02, 2010, 06:44:11 PM »
Last set for now Ian.
Ian ...the Christie kind...
from Kirriemuir
Liz Mills
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Re: Gardening Scotland 2010
Reply #7 on:
June 02, 2010, 09:01:50 PM »
Thanks to Ian the Christie kind and all his helpers - our stand is looking great. Sandy Leven arrived later in the day with his Powerpoint presentation to run next to Ian's display - and would you believe it, he's showing the first 2 issues of 'The International Gardener' with all its stunningly beautiful photos (and the text as well, of course). If the two things combined don't catch the eye of the hordes of visitors at the weekend, I'll be very surprised. Wish you faraway folks on the Forum could see it in real life - and all the other stands many of which are staged by friends of the Scottish Rock Garden Club. I'm going back tomorrow even though most of the work for our stand is finished for there's a chance that the plant sales stands will be up and running by the afternoon and I've already spotted some beauties on display. Hope I don't run out of money!
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Posts: 1224
Re: Gardening Scotland 2010
Reply #8 on:
June 04, 2010, 07:00:54 PM »
Hi all just home fro Gardening Scotland wheer the SRGC stand won a Gold medal and David and Stella Rankine won a Gold medal plus the Alf Evans award for best Alpine Display. I shook hands with First Minister Alex Salmond who congratulated us on a fine stand he admired the Blue meconopsis very much, more pictures later, cheers Ian the Christie kind
Ian ...the Christie kind...
from Kirriemuir
Maggi Young
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Re: Gardening Scotland 2010
Reply #9 on:
June 04, 2010, 07:11:56 PM »
Wow! Well done Ian! A gold medal is great news! A great result for you and your helpers and for the Club.
Congratulations- and all our thanks, to you for this fab effort
Congrats too to the Rankins of Kevock Gardens for their gold and the Alf Evans Award.... they are really writing a fantastic record with these awards ..... is there no stopping these SRGC Members!?!!
Thanks for letting us know the news, Ian.
I don't doubt that other SRGC members will have done well in the medal stakes, too... but the Gardening Scotland organisers are as slow as ever to publicise the results!
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!
Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine
Ragged Robin
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Re: Gardening Scotland 2010
Reply #10 on:
June 04, 2010, 08:21:31 PM »
A fantastic result and many congratulations to everyone involved
It looks a really exciting event and a great opportunity for all those SRGC Members who exhibited to show their passion for growing plants to the public and raise awareness of the SRGC
Valais, Switzerland - 1,200 metres - Continental climate - rocks and moraine
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Re: Gardening Scotland 2010
Reply #11 on:
June 04, 2010, 08:43:08 PM »
Thanks to all my helpers we have had so much interest at the show it is great to meet everyone. I am very tired with all the driving and I need to leave at 6.30am tomorrow for the Joint Rock meeting anyway here are a few more pictures, cheers Ian the Christie kid.
Ian ...the Christie kind...
from Kirriemuir
Anthony Darby
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Re: Gardening Scotland 2010
Reply #12 on:
June 04, 2010, 10:34:53 PM »
Fabulous result for all the hard work.
Anthony Darby, Auckland, New Zealand.
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution"
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Re: Gardening Scotland 2010
Reply #13 on:
June 04, 2010, 11:51:19 PM »
Had a great day out at Gardening Scotland... so many lovely displays
, l cant start to imagine how much planning and hard work goes into these wonderful displays. Well done to everyone, your effort was appreciated.
Met some members and they asked not buying any plants, no l replied, no more space in the garden... my plants were having a little rest in the creche... Hope no-one saw me leaving with my trolleys and only a couple of carrier bags
Last Edit: June 05, 2010, 10:38:58 AM by Maggi Young
Angie T.
....just outside Aberdeen in North East Scotland
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Re: Gardening Scotland 2010
Reply #14 on:
June 06, 2010, 08:55:24 PM »
Hi again all, we have arrived home from the show and all the plants are out in the rain just great. The rain brought in so many people from outside we had a great day, We had many members who came to help at the stand it was super so thanks very much we really appreciated the chance to just relax for a while. Our team of Ian Pryde, Graham Wenham, Carol and David Shaw, Carol and Ian Bainbridge helped us take all the plants to the van and tidy up afterwards Sandy Leven and his big son took away the troughs, we would have liked to have a dram or two to celebrate but I had to drive home maybe later, cheers Ian the Christie kind.
Ian ...the Christie kind...
from Kirriemuir
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Gardening Scotland 2010
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