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Author Topic: My greenhouse is full can I put propagators outside...?-NOW EDITED.  (Read 1859 times)


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Unfortunately my greenhouse is full now for this season. I wondered if I could put extra cutting in propagators outside. I am thinking of using shelving I already have and making a roof to stop rain getting onto the propagators. I was intending putting nothing around the sides to encase the shelf and plants, just having the roof. They are rigid plastic unheated propagators which provide enough humidity for rooting in spring and summer outside. I wondered what peoples thoughts were for for when it reaches winter though. I am hoping provided I don't put tender cuttings out there that the lesser humidity inside the propagators in winter will still be warm enough. I use propagators normally as they seem to contain more humidity in a smaller area(mine are tray size ones). This would not be dissimilar to a cold frame in winter given the propagators are a smaller heat trap(slightly higher humidity as a result I think). I am hoping this is as good as a cold frame?

Should I be concerned doing this, I have nothing to tender, will they root okay if taken now and left there over winter ?

Thanks for the info. I am slightly concerned I am doing the wrong thing but am hoping it will be adequate.

Would be great to hear peoples view points as always.

« Last Edit: September 06, 2010, 05:29:34 PM by newstart »
David in Central England. Lots more still to learn!


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Re: My greenhouse is full can I put propagators outside...?-NOW EDITED.
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2010, 07:04:39 PM »
Its alright folks I went back to a posting I'd made once before. I'd forgotten the answer as I used a small lean too greenhouse instead this time last year which sorted the problem at the time. It appears from whats said its okay for me to use either a cold frame or a  propagator providing they are not tender kinds and I cover them with fleece on frosty occasions. Thanks and sorry to to ask it again when I could have looked back to find the previous post, my fault. I do normally do a search or look at my previous posts so I was a little lazy. The answer are all very helpful. I was previously a big shrub , conifer and heather man until I took up doing alpines. I think I have learnt all the basics now apart from pests and diseases and mastering them. Sorry if I have repeated myself on some occasions with questions. Normally they have little differences in the question hopefully.

Thanks ALL the knowledge is invaluable! Hope everyone is well, horrible weather at the moment though, I think I will take all my shading off in a week.

David in Central England. Lots more still to learn!


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Re: My greenhouse is full can I put propagators outside...?-NOW EDITED.
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2010, 09:26:03 PM »
David sometimes I find it easier asking again rather than trying to track it down I to can be a bit lazy at times ;D  Before I got my greenhouse I bought on of those three tier shelving units with the plastic cover I was so pleased to see it full of plants but I never thought about weighing it down , it was blown right over and all my plants were all over the place I started again but this time with bricks at the bottom to weigh it down, we all learn through our mistakes.

Angie :)
Angie T.
....just outside Aberdeen in North East Scotland


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Re: My greenhouse is full can I put propagators outside...?-NOW EDITED.
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2010, 11:20:36 PM »
Yes I had that same problem once Angie. If its any help what I did is bang stakes in one running up each vertical tube and then tying it against each stake. Only works well if you remove your slabs of course or better still have a bare piece of ground. Some membrane stops the worms etc etc. I find the plastic always needs replacing so became less keen on them. Its a good suggestion though thanks!
David in Central England. Lots more still to learn!


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