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Hi: I have germinated a lot of species and provided the seed is fresh, sown in autumn and exposed to cool/frosty weather in very gritty mixture, germination is fast and uniform in autumn itself. Have tried seed of several sources but seed freshness seems to be the only critical factor. BestAlberto Castillo
I don't have as much experience as Alberto but my own first sowings of Biarum in september last year were very successful given the conditions Alberto describes. The seed (several species) came from Kurt Vickery, Kurt left the seed coat/berry on in an attempt to preserve viability. I soaked the seed and removed this before sowing and I had germination in all species as soon as the weather turned cooler in october/november. Some stragglers are germinating now, after a years delay.I do recall reading somewhere that the roots and tubers of most (all?) aroids will not tolerate being frozen through, so if sowing in pots I would make sure they are at least plunged.