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Two crocus sieberi which have self seeded have different coloured stems, is this normal?Mike
If you want a word to sound "sch" then write "sch" not "s". Lichen is pronounced 'liken'; algae has a hard 'g'; colchicum is pronounced as in chicken in this country; ruksansii (after Jānis Rukšāns) would have the 's' pronounced as in "sand", not shand or schand as in school i.e. skool, but then maybe that's not how Jānis pronouces it?). Don't try and find any logic in English pronunciation. Latin vowels should be simple - there are only five sounds - but I hear people singing the word "miserere" and each "e" is pronounced differently (miss -er-rare-ray), which is wrong. It should be miss-eh-reh-reh with the 'e' as in "get". Trying to 'Latinise' words just ends up with gobbledegook so it is best to read the word as it is pronounced in its original language and then just add the Latin ending. Mathewii is not Mat- hewii.
A quick question if i may - I've just noticed that Crocus aerius, which i'm growing for the first time this season, has a nose at soil level. Is this normal for this Spring-flowering sp. or is it growing early for some reason?Alex
a sunny sunday today, some new Crocus in flower:Cr.boryi x tournefortii from Tony G. hadriaticus f.lilacinus caspius hadriaticus x sativus`Cashmerianus`, F2 cross cancellatus ssp.pamphylicus, white form