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............... One huge platter of tiny tall glasses with exquisite chocolate mousse over brandied? pear bits. Had vision of M.Y. grabbing the platter and making a run for the door.
Quote from: johnw on November 20, 2011, 02:57:56 PM............... One huge platter of tiny tall glasses with exquisite chocolate mousse over brandied? pear bits. Had vision of M.Y. grabbing the platter and making a run for the door. ..... and then beating on it to be let back in for seconds
My wife is coming home tomorrow!! She's been in hospital nearly 6 weeks. But she's coming home tomorrow. She had her first full chemotherapy dose last Friday, and so far things have gone really well. No side effects at all.... yet!But she's coming home tomorrow. The next few weeks will of course be interesting, seeing how she reacts to her continuing chemotherapy etc, and how much help she's going to need at home. Thankfully I still have a fair bit of annual leave at work, although it would have been nice to have used it on a holiday for us. Did I mention that she's coming home tomorrow.
I'll stop now, before I get banned for excessive use of smiley faces.