Hi Martin, I'm curious about your "take" or assessment of Facebook.
Mark, sorry not to have answered the above question sooner. Been busy putting the Facebook book to bed - due to be published end of this month. I've found Facebook to be like any other communication tool - it's all about how you use it. I know people who use it to keep up with, and share photos with, friends who live a long way away and with whom they'd otherwise have a lot of trouble keeping in touch. Others use it to promote their favourite causes, charitable, political, environmental, social etc, share interests, exchange info about upcoming events, arrange to meet socially etc. Then there are others who only seem to use it for the most banal of chit-chat, gossip and repetition of catch-words and suchlike gumph. I'm loath to condemn any means of communication, taking the view that any communication is always far better than none at all - especially for people who lead lonely lives and have trouble getting out or making friends. The book is cartoon-illustrated and pokes a bit of gentle fun at people who use Facebook a bit more than they should - which is probably a a lot of people.