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Congratulations Thomas! Did you cold stratify them indoors or its just the outside cold that did it? I do have some C.betulifolia seeds that I want to try out here. Arturo
Thomas, am I reading your labels correctly? Your seeds were sown in 2015.
Ptilotrichum spinosum (30% germination at 20°C) and Bukinitzia cabulica. Emergence in 1-2 weeks. The Bukinitzia seed was green, and I wondered if it was mature enough to be viable. In addition, this one is supposedly a 4°C germinator, but it seems like I have good germination at 20°C. However it was difficult to tell which were seeds and which chaff, so I don't have a good percentage estimation. I also have some in the garage presently at -4 to 2°C, and we'll see how they do as temps warm. Same with the Ptilotrichum.