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Maggi,Some plants have their peculiarities. Eranthis hyemalis grows like a weed in my meadow and in the meadow of next door neighour. Eranthis cilicica grows in my bulb frame and increase very well. Both species are selfseeder and hard. For 20 years I try to settle E. cilicica in the meadow, the seed does not germinate and the bulb grows not.
Maggi , E. hyemalis seems to thrive here in neutral to slightly acid soil , whereas E. cilicica prefers alkaline soil. see you soon , Otto.
E. cilicica in summer receive no rains at all (at least in places where I saw it growing wild).
Maggi - You say E. cicilicia is less hardy than E. hiemalis. Given your climate is much milder than ours I know wonder how hardy 'Guinea Gold' might be.
Sunshine today and no frost, maybe it's the beginning of spring . Eranthis hyemalis Eranthis 'Schwefelglanz'Eranthis 'Schlyters Orange'and a double eranthis not yet opened.
Here some Eranthis blooming just now in my greenhousesEranthis hyemalis Aurantiaca - by my opinion one of the most beautiful (equal in beauty with Schwefelglanz showed earlier)
Is E. 'Schlyters Orange' alot darker than the normal form?