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Prince Igor standing at only 6 feet this year
Mark, so many regulations these days seem ridiculously safety-conscious. It's the legal-blame culture. Everyone, especially councils, are scared stiff of being sued if something goes wrong. Yet somehow it's an acceptable risk for government to plan to slap a new generation of nuclear power stations across the country rather than seriously exploit our vast potential for safe renewable wind, wave and tidal energy (I think they want to use up all that reprocessed and reprocessable nuclear fuel we have sitting around). And it's an acceptable risk to continue having a nuclear-armed submarine fleet based in Scotland. But God forbid you should have your oil tank anywhere but smack bang in the middle of the garden in case someone decides to "attack" it! (they'd have to be some pretty unambitious terrorists ).I can't advise you to break "regulations". But if it were me, I'd let the jobs-worths install the new tank then look at ways to relocate or replace it myself and make use of that nice concrete base for frames or a raised bed.