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Why is it that as well as the vision of Show Secretaries Doreen and Eric Webster working away on all the show preparations I also get a vision of dozens of folk baking busily to fuel the cake needs of the show visitors? Have a great day out!
Never mind the cakes....first training session of the season for Pudsey piglets
And no doubt a discussion as to where the competition will be held this year.
And for the forumists who don't know me, look for the cherubic 2 year old, exactly like my Avatar....
Can't remember Doreen doing anything but fret about whether enough plants would turn up.
With nine or ten plant stalls that must be a record, isn't it? Never heard of so many up here, but then again there aren't many venues which could accomodate that number.
I'm hoping to be there and will daringly wear my red forumists sweatshirt, so say hello.