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According to the RSPB web site they only winter here. Red-backed shrikes bred in a secret location in England last year.
.. and in Belfast city centre a flock of waxwings have been present for about a week. They are using the trees around the city hall. I was there for a look today. No berries to eat but they are eating sycamore flowers and or buds
Stephen I never thought about them eating insects. When should they be breeding? I thought these were late heading home
Stephen very few winter in the uk now, maybe between 10 and 20. During the 70s around 100 or more wintered and they have never bred here.
during the last 3 evenings a few of us because trespassers to rescue a sand martin, Riparia riparia, colony. Over the winter the bank collapsed from a good bank to a gentle slope with a max of 60cm 2 feet of vertical bank.