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My first thoughts led me to Sagina subulata but the foliage is not right. Arenaria were next on the list, Arenaria norvegica perhaps?
Perhaps it is Minuartia stellata.
Count stigmas.
Quote from: Great Moravian on July 25, 2011, 10:33:37 AMCount stigmas.Sagina : stamens 4, 5, 8, or 10, arising from base of ovary; filaments distinct; staminodes absentMinuartia : stamens 10 (8-10 in M. godfreyi), arising from hypanthium; filaments distinct; staminodes absentArenaria : stamens 10 (ca. 8 in A. livermorensis), arising from base of ovary; filaments distinct; staminodes absent
My goodness, Maggi, where do you find all this information?
Knud - I think she dabbles in the occult. Wink
Don't listen to John, Knud.... you've been to my house... you know I have no broomstick (which is probably why the place is such a mess! )Looks like the stamens are connected to the base of the ovary in your photo.