I've just listened to a link to a Canadian radio interview, sent to me from Nova Scotia, and like John W, I am shocked by the apparent spread of the extreme right wing politics in places we have assumed to be moderate and peaceful. The man being interviewed feels such action can occur anywhere and is rapidly becoming "normal" - and needs to be taken into account when formulating policy among governments. I believe it could happen here too with some of the new batch of would-be politicians who are not only anti immigration (and there are many of those) but determined to foment hatred or at the very least, discontent among those who are not white/European, including our own (almost) indigenous population. Our current electoral system will see a few of those into our next Parliament and I tremble for the hatred that will come from that. Although we do have some malcontents among the Maori, it seems to me that they more than we, are the moderates and the ones trying to foster moderation and tolerance.
Sorry sorry Norway. I hope not sorry New Zealand too.