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But can you see the other one?
So there I was on "holiday" ( sorting out aged family) in Scotland, putting together a flatpack in a bedroom in mid afternoon.Up goes the cry "Eeeeeeek there's a bat in the living room eeeeeeek". So there's this large ( for a bat) flying mammal flapping around the room trying to find the way out. Up steps your hero ( yes me, what do you mean hero?) to try and guide it out through the conservatory. The bat takes an immediate liking to me ( now that's understandable) and lands on my lower lip.Now at this point why do I immediately think of the SRCG forum, when there's this bat hanging upside down on my face?Anyway, after a short rest (where's the camera when you really need one) the bat managed to navigate its way out and back I go to the flatpack.
Can anyone ID this for me please. It's about 2 inches long and looks quite intimidating although it posed nicely for the photos.Thanks in advance.