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Meanwhile the banks, which created the crash which has contributed to the bad feeling, are making more money than ever by charging interest at inflated rates to countries that have had to borrow funds to keep functioning!
I am too am deeply distressed by this bad behaviour - mob culture -but I am also annoyed on all the blame being leveled at the inequality that is sadly part of our society.I am a socialist and am offended on behalf of all the genuinely poor hard working, law abiding people in our country the majority of whom would never behave in this way.Those going through the courts show that they are not deprived just greedy jumping on the bandwaggon of free goods. Obviously criminals and gang culture are involved.Sadly those of in our society who are genuinely in need of help will now see further cuts as all the costs of the riots have now been added to the debt we have to pay.
The gap in the UK between the most well-off and the least well-off has been widening for decades now, under both left and right wing governments, and that is bound to increase resentments in a general way, whatever the particular circumstances of an individual event. In the long run the studies indicate that the only sure way to reduce the incidence of this kind of thing generally is to narrow the inequality gap.
I haven't noticed anyone making excuses for them. We need to get beyond Daily Telegraph-style expressions of outrage.