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Lesley, I find that these violas are amongst the strange types which in their first year they don't make visable flowers but set seed. They then flower the second year onwards but I have never again found seed. The first time I grew them from seed I threw them all out thinking they were the wrong thing, someone then told me what happened. I find they seeded around on the benches even becoming a pest. It might be worthwhile buying in some seed to get the cycle going, I don't know if I still have any 1 year old plants which will produce seed, I will have a look.
Yes Gerd, it was pedatafida, I mistakenly thought this was the plain version of the bicoloured pidata, I just persumed the reason why I never got pedata seed was that my plants were origionally cuttings.I have another species of viola that drives me mad seeding about everywhere without flowering, what a weed