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I would replant them horizontal in new potting mixtureand do as normalgiving water and feeding a littlestop watering in Decemberdo afterwards what you do normaland hope they didn't suffer to muchprobably they don't regrow this yearRoland
They probably don't regrow meaniebut they don't die down under the soildo you have a picture from the tubers ??Roland
nice looking tubers. I havent seen anyone growing these in years.
Meanie, thanks for the very full advice..... I reckon you've increased the number of tubers you have and had flowers.... that makes it worth asking how you do it, from where I'm sitting!
I renew the potting-mixture as soon as the soil is dry in Decemberlater in the spring you sometimes break the young shootsand always use a very large pottubers can be 30 cm long Roland