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Like John85 I was wondering about the flatness of your sand garden Tim and had expected it would need to be up somewhat above the surrounding grass, perhaps mounded, as Ann (Astragalus) suggests. Assuming the grass is mown, how do you keep the mowing off the sand?I have extensive gravel driveway which has gradually become more and more narrow as grassy type weeds have taken over the edges and left just the actual car tracks still of gravel. I think a good effect could be achieved by simply dumping a truckload of fine gravel (several, in fact) at stragecic points. If only Roger would go away somewhere for a couple of weeks.....
I just finished a new sandbed. Today I planted a lot of bulbs, Allium, Muscari, Juno, Onco, Tulips and some other. In the winter I will sow a lot of species directly in the gravel and then fill it with mostly cushon plants in the spring.
I had to dig out 0,5-2,5m of soil to find the cliffs. It will be a 6-7m high southfacing scree and a small northfacing scree (up to 2m) on the other side of the ridge.