I've been dredging my memory for the names and have come up with a few of them somehow. The one I really want to have amongst them is '
Mahogany Lord' (chocolate burgundy with gold signal), there was a pure yellow called "
Gold" something-or-other, plus the other two names I can mentally retrieve are '
Evening Dress' and '
Look Lively'......
And I think we have a winner. Checking the Net, I came up with pictures for
'Evening Dress' and we have the following....
http://www.irishowseandgardens.com/html_pages/spurias.htm (click on the pic for a bigger version)
Allowing for shape difference due to conditions (I find that some years Spuria iris can be much more "spidery" than others), I think that looks pretty right? Thoughts anyone?
I looked for a '
Mahogany Lord' to show you as well.... and this is the best I cam up with.
http://www.flowerfantasy.net/shop/product.php?id_product=743Mine had much heavier flowers than this, but then my '
Evening Dress' if that is what it is has much heavier flowers than in the online picture as well?
Added a few minutes later..... I think the yellow one's name I was trying to think of was '
Gold Mania'? That's just popped back into my mind, but it could be something else entirely rather than Spuria Iris.
Not sure.