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Why do you have your eyes closed in your avatar pic? Seeing no evil as one of the wise monkeys?
I have a pictures of one of my relatives with their eyes closed but they are dead. I find this really disturbing, who would take a picture of a dead person.I have been meaning to get rid of it for years. When I saw Mark it reminded me of this. Sorry Mark Angie
Angie, Victorians often photographed the late relative, for someone who went to live abroad this was the only way they would have a photograph of them, the better photographers 'inserted' eyes so that they looked alive. We have one where this was cleverly done.
Angie, I hope I don't make you creepy as we'll be rooming together later, but I took a picture of my Teddy after he had been killed. I just couldn't bear to think I'd never see him again. He was on the back seat of Roger's car and covered with his blanket, the one that stayed in the car, except for his head and front shoulder. He looked to be asleep. I suppose it was a bit creepy. Sorry.
GerryMy pal has his special spade from BT and we thought we had dealt with them - they keep coming back.Must find the right chemical to fill the holes I will drill in the trunks. Elderbery is a menace in a garden - though I am partial to elderflower cordial
Blast from the 80s: just had a phone call from a double glazing sales person.