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At garden centers there are plenty of cyclamens for sale that look like dwarf C.persicum.What are they?Hybrids I guess but what is the cross?C.persicum X ?Can they take some frost?
Maybe Farrer was having a bad day when he wrote in "The English Rock Garden" 'In autumn appear the small rounded leaves, of a sullen and leathery dark-green, black and leaden in effect, and unlivened by the smallest touch of white.....'
Farrer is even more eloquent on Fritillaria:“Very miffy or mimpish, or both and the family all round has a bad character........... not to mention that an enormous number have more or less stinking bells of dingy chocolate and greenish tones, which often appear transfigured by the enthusiasm of those who desire to get rid of them.”
Just a few cyclamen pics[Cyclamen cyprium with silver and dark leavesGerd
....If it makes seeds I keep myself recommanded....