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I bought this two years ago at a small local fair. It was marked as 'Blue Juno'. It was a small plant, I estimated perhaps a two year old seedling. I also bought a few 'Yellow Juno' (turned out to be some decent looking I.bucharica ), and some 'White Juno' ( I.magnifica). As they were only £1 each I didn't really care what they were. The lady on the stall said here husband grew them , and she didnt know anything about their history. It got badly frozen in its pot last year, but still tried to put out a flower, but this was badly deformed. This year its doubled and has about 5 flowers coming, and a couple on its offspring. Trouble is ... what is it? . At first I thought rich coloured I.vicaria, but then started to see I. warleyensis. . Now I've convinced myself that someone has been dabbling with a paint brush and I've got a 'mongrel'. .