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Forked Habenaria is a terestrial orchid, 1-2 ft tall. Stem is sheathed in lower part, with 3-6, large, elliptic, acute, up to 15x5 cm leaves, crowded below the middle, above with appressed linear-lanceolate sheaths. Inflorescence is 12-30 cm long, narrowly cylindrical, rather lax. Bracts are lanceolate-long-pointed, as long as ovary. Flowers are green, sepals nearly equal in length, the dorsal one ovate-oblong, concave, 5 mm long, the lateral sepals falcately oblong, usually slightly longer. Petals are oblong, blunt, 5-6 x 2 mm. Lip is parted in three, with threadlike side-lobes, slightly diverging, 9 x 1 mm, longer than the straight, narrow- lanceshaped mid-lobe. Spur is slender, longer than ovary, 2 cm, narrow- cylindrical, prominently widened at base. Forked Habenaria is found in the region from NW Himalayas to Sikkim, Bhutan and Assam, at lower altitudes, 150-1800 m. Flowering: July-August.
Not the best photos. I should go back to take more.These and D. fuschii are growing on an old hockey pitch that nature is reclaiming. The soil depth cant be much
That looks similar to Habaneria furcifera