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The power went out yesterday at 9am in the course of dreadful winds to 160 kph. 70 is apparently counted as gale force. Back on again just half an hour ago. Landline down, 2 cellphones with rapidly flattening batteries, no water because an elec pump sends water from tank to house and Roger took the only car away for a couple of days, just before the power went down. Also took the small gas stove we have for power emergencies. In the middle of all this I'm doing a major re-arrange of stroppy vendors at the Market because local council won't let us have vendor vehicles on the rail platform as we have always had. As yet, said vendors don't even know about it. We have 3 days notice!!! No email etc etc etc. What's left of my original blonde is visibly turning grey.I think we should have an ongoing thread where Forumists can have a right old gurn. For those that don't want to know, it can be ignored altogether but the rest of us could let off steam without actually throwing something at the dog.
Hi LesleyLike the idea of a rant page - Chris B and I went to a talk on Monday night on New Zealand gardens around Auckland and ended up seeing lots of pics of David Austin roses, border phlox and penstemmons but NO new zealand plants - we could have gone into our own gardens and seen those plants, we didn't need someone to have flown all round the planet just to bring them back!! What a waste of an evening.Sue
Do I have the energy or the time to start over with these?
OK-I know I can do nothing about it but a good moan does me the world of good. My better half thinks I could moan for England in any case.