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Or maybe if David were to start a something like that above, Forumists in turn, those who wished, could add to it in similar vein, each continuing where the last left off and so making up a totally nonsensical story over time. Come on David. Don't leave me floundering here.
I absolutely insist that in order to be permitted to remain a Forumist, David Nicholson be required to start and maintain regularly, a blog type thingy similar to the post above, and with lots of conversations between him and Mrs N, assorted shopkeepers, politicians and the local dogs and pubkeepers. It will confirm that we, as rock gardeners, are the only truly sane and sensible people on earth.As an aside, we are able to put alcoholic bottles through the self service lines but they have to be approved by a lethergic girl who stands around picking at her fingernails for the remaining time as we shove though the bananas and washing powder.
Come on David. Don't leave me floundering here.