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A neighbour of ours, with her arm in a sling, was trying to take her wheely bin into her drive when the lad next door came past on his way from school. She naturally asked if he would help. His reply was "how much is it worth?" Needless to say, she struggled on unaided!
Today I was carrying soil to the car and the heavens opened...the car park was flooded in minutes and by the time I got my bags into the back of my motor I looked like a drowned rat... I thought this gentleman was going to ask if I wanted a hand to put the bags into the car but no he was in to much of a hurry to get into his car I suppose he was maybe worried that all that gel in his hair might be washed out.Never mind maybe another ten years down the road they might help when they see I am starting to fail Angie
he was maybe worried that all that gel in his hair might be washed out.
Perhaps he was one of the growing numbers who receive abuse from women when they try to act like a gentleman!
Unexpectedly got today free to get on with my bulbs, but there's a huge fire on the business park behind us where a hazardous waste transfer station has been exploding since four o'clock this morning and we are all being told to stay indoors with our doors and windows shut. The enormous pall of smoke containing goodness knows what is drifting across the village and even as far as York.