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I swear I didn't know Martin. If the poor lady in question had had less head hair I may have seen a likeness. As for that next relationship, it's too far distant to be worth a jot. We're not trying to bring in Robert the Bruce here you know!Lesley, you make fun of my Auntie's last dying moments and now you poke fun at my receding hairline. I'd come back with a devastating retort that would have you writhing in appropriate agonies of personal humiliation and embarrassment, but I'm too busy trying to figure out what the hell Robert the Bruce has to do with anything!
You know the thing. " my great great grandmother's father-in-law's third sister's husband's mother was related to the Earl of North-East Black Pudding, so I am related to Robert the Bruce."So do come back with your devastating retort. I'll look forward to it in fact.
Double dammit! Missed the "to late" in that last post, which should have been "too late". I'm just to tired this monring.
Maggi, speaking of who-dunnits, did you watch that (1980s ?) classic political Cold War who-dunnit, "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy" with that wonderful performance by Alec Guinness as George Smiley?