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Did you know that Toblerone has 100 birthday .....they have a big celebration in Bern / Swizzera !Have you not a invitation
Maybe should Ian go to Bern and give them a lecture .....
I make mine the Canadian way, with crispy smoked bacon, blueberries in the pancakes and topped with melted butter and maple syrup - yummy!
So, Anthony, are you not a fan of duck with orange, or even better, plum sauce or raspberry sauce... this last is the speciality of Alan Newton... it is a truly scrummy combination, I can promise you! Food of the Gods and no mistake And what about pork and apples, lamb and redcurrant jelly, ham and peaches ?.... oh, gawd, must go now... seem to have come over very hungry all of a sudden... byee!
Wot's duck got to do with pancakes Maggi?