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I had to visit a convent there once and was lost.
Still raining here in Aberdeen so I thought I would grasp the opportunity to test out Lesley's tip for Weetabix , split down the middle, srpread with butter and Marmite ...... dear me, things must be dire...... anyway, this is what it looks like... (Attachment Link) I thinkI may have been a bit heavy-handed with the Marmite... I often am, so I'll remove a bit of that before is certainly different. I'm no sure that I would leap out of my chair some day, thinking that just what I fancied for a snack was marmite on buttered weetabix but, on the other hand... if I were craving a slice of toast with mamite and there was no bread left, then, I might just do it again .Thanks for the suggestion, Lesley but I wouldn't count on making too much money from sales of your cookbook on this example though!
My technique is similar to Maggi's. I eat them one at a time in a bowl, immediately after pouring the milk on them. Hate them soggy..... Not so sure about the word 'scunner' though, my brother (poor thing) lives in Scunthorpe and would not take kindly to it I reckon. What does it mean in 'Scottish' then?
I think it's a Yorkshire thing, as is Christmas cake with cheese.
Oh yeah.... vegemite is supposed to be an Australian thing but I think it is awful!! It and Marmite are just dreadful....Nutella isn't too bad though.