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Rogan, I couldn't grow your Aristolochia here but I have a friend in the far (very warm) north with a passion for the genus. I'll email you privately for a few seeds for him. I don't think he has this one.
Did you see Michael Palin in Slovakia and Czech Republic on Sunday? Our workers, all Slovaks, are angry that the programme made them out to be Vodka drinking poor farmers while the Czech part of the programme showed very wealthy extravagant people
I don't think that the defence of "stray " shots or poachers will work though, Martin... won't there have been umpteen personal protection officers about the place?
Just read in the paper about the pair of hen harriers reportedly witnessed shot on the Queen's Sandringham Estate while Prince Harry and a mate were out shooting (reportedly the only guns out on the estate that day).Reliable sounding witnesses who were watching (from a nearby nature reserve) the birds in the air when they were shot.It'll be interesting to see how lenient the penalty is if a royal is found to have done it. But what's the betting that, if it's proved the shots came from the Sandringham estate, that it's blamed on poachers or other tresspassers, or an estate flunky falls on the grenade, admitting at the last minute to having been out shooting, unknown to the royals or estate staff.Grrrrrr!!!!