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.....I shouldn't laugh too much, as it makes my sunburn hurt !!
The rain means it is really too horrible to play on the trampoline.
Quote from: Maggi Young on May 09, 2009, 08:15:18 PM The rain means it is really too horrible to play on the trampoline. When you do get a chance, Maggi, can we come round and enjoy the spectacle?
Is snow this early 'normal' where you are Lesley?
The genus Vancouveria and I seem to have some kind of very weird love-hate relationship going on.For starters, in this garden, I've never been able to establish V. hexandra, though in many local gardens it's a pest that is nearly impossible to eradicate. It grew well in my old garden, 20⁺ years ago, but here the best performance was growth for a few years followed by a slow decline and ultimate disappearance. Oddly enough, Ranunuculus ficaria 'Brazen Hussy', which is a pest in some gardens, also fails here, though other cultivars of R. ficaria do well enough.The other two vancouverias, V. chrysantha and V. planipetala, survive, but don't grow vigorously. I must add that V. chrysantha did once set seed, believe it or not!This morning I decided to lift a bit of each and pot it up as the first step toward distributing these plants more widely. The golden vancouveria was well behaved and allowed me, on my third try, to lift a growing point that actually had roots. The redwood ivy (V. planipetala), on the other hand, resolutely refused to provide anything better than a long rootless stolon with a tuft of leaves at one end. I potted it up anyway, but I am not optimistic.I guess it's just an example of the sheer perversity of nature.